Prom 2012.

Another school year is finished, last school bell rings – it is exciting and solemn moment for pupils and especially for those whose school years are already in the past.
We shared this occasion with teachers and children of special comprehensive orphanage of I–III levels № 8 for children with the consequences of poliomyelitis and cerebral spastic infantile paralysis.

Both speakers and audience participated in festive concert, everyone was a part of big and friendly family. Each perfomance was interesting, full of spiritual warmth and sincerity. But the most impressive perfomance was done by the schoolgirls of orphanage. The central figure of composition was a girl sitting on the chair and holding the flowers presented by her girl-friends. She was surrounded by dancing friends, also with movement problems. Girls helped each other during the dance. This dance is the beautiful symbol of support in this rather difficult world that helps us to do the good, changing world to the best.

Then we presented some gifts to the children from doctor Grubber and his colleagues and Terry and Susan Galvin from the USA – toothpastes and brushes.

Also children received presents from Darina Aryamnova and Daniel Sauerbier from Switzerland – rucksacks, baseballs, purses and small bags.

Some moments of this concert and gifts presenting you can see on these photos.

Подарки от Дарины  Арямновой и  Daniel Sauerbier

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