Peace be with you!

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. 

Einstein Albert

Previously I have never paid as much attention to the expression “Peace be with you!” as I do today, when shooting war entered our home – Ukraine. Now I know how much it means!

Often people want to be better, but they don’t do much to improve themselves. That can lead to conflicts at any level of human relationships.

Since the very childhood we learn a lot from our neighborhood. We also learn how to solve the conflicts – either we act with provocations, or sharp the situation, or try to find peaceful solution.

Today we have talked to kids about conflicts that may lead to a war. We discussed how it is important to save peace among people and how dangerous are hate and aggression that destroy internal world of human beings.

All the participants have got their presents and gifts.

But the best present for all of us we believe would be when politicians show their peaceableness the way children do. At that point all the conflicts would be solved at round tables, and not with guns and bloodiness.

Oleg Abornev

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