Conflict resolution.

Peace is just getting prepared for the next war. (Albert Einstein)

“Most of people in their dreams prefer living in peace, harmony, and understanding. They don’t want to be bled, mutilated, or murdered. We want to live in peace!

Nevertheless each of us and the community in general we are seized with conflicts. We have a never-ending war inside of us. We often dispute ourselves. We suffer personal conflicts.

This is the history of human beings. It looks like proneness to conflicts is an integral part of a human nature…”

We have discussed with children different types of conflicts and talked on possible ways to solve them.

Despite the tiny age children were really wise.

We can observe results of conflicts even nowadays.

I know, when they grow up, they will face conflicts. But I hope they will first try to get under the conflict fire and put it down.

Indeed it is true that: “They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.” 

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